API Docs

Current Version:v1.0.0(changelog )
About the API
The API documented below is made available by btc-rpc-explorer. The actions are organized by category. From this documentation you can directly click on an action's link to see the output format in your browser.


GET /api/block/:hashjson
Returns the details of a block by hash.
GET /api/block/:heightjson
Returns the details of a block by height.
GET /api/blocks/tip/heightinteger
Returns the height of the chain tip.
GET /api/blocks/tip/hashstring
Returns the block hash of the chain tip.


GET /api/tx/:txidjson
Returns the details of a transaction.


GET /api/blockchain/coinsnumber
Returns the current supply of Bitcoin. An estimate using a checkpoint can be returned in 2 cases: on 'slow' devices, and before the UTXO set summary is loaded.
GET /api/blockchain/max-supplynumber
Returns the maximum total supply of Whive.


GET /api/mining/hashratejson
Returns the network hash rate, estimated over the last 1, 7, 30, 90, and 365 days.
GET /api/mining/diff-adj-estimatenumber
Returns the current estimate for the next difficulty adjustment as a percentage.


GET /api/mempool/countinteger
Returns the number of transactions in Bitcoin Core's mempool.
GET /api/mempool/feesjson
Returns recommended fee rates in sats/vB for next block, ~30 min, 1 hr, and 1 day.


GET /api/util/xyzpub/:extendedPubkeyjson
Returns details for the specified extended public key, including related keys and addresses.
Optional params:limitoffset


GET /api/pricejson
Returns the price of 1 BTC, in USD, EUR, GBP, and XAU
GET /api/price/:currencynumber
Returns the price of 1 BTC, in one of USD, EUR, GBP, XAU
GET /api/price/:currency/marketcapnumber
Returns the market cap of Bitcoin, in one of USD, EUR, GBP, XAU
GET /api/price/:currency/satsnumber
Returns the price of 1 unit in 'currency' (e.g. $1) in satoshis


GET /api/quotes/:indexjson
Returns the Bitcoin quote with the given index from the curated list.
GET /api/quotes/randomjson
Returns a random Bitcoin quote from the curated list.


GET /api/versionstring
Returns the semantic version of the public API, which is maintained separate from the app version.